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We try here to summarize what we need to do to publish a new release. We are rapidly recalling the release cycle then listing the different tasks to be done before publishing a new release.
We have chosen a 3 month release cycle:
The translation and graphic work is not mentioned in this cycle because translations can start at any moment and because graphic design has just started. However the ongoing translation and graphic work should also try to be ready by the end of month 2 in order to be included in the release to be published.
Please note that building and uploading CD’s to our website now takes around 3-4 days, which means that the release must be ready several days before the release date. For this reason tests will first be conducted on a reduced set of CD’s in order to reduce the time required to upload new CD builds.
The development effort is guided by our road map. We should try to do only what is on this list but of course tasks may be added, removed or postponed on the flow depending on the needs or the issues. Note that a road map for graphic designers should also be setup in a near future.
New builds will be uploaded during the test month on the dailybuild section ( The team and project contributors are asked to download and test them. Please fill bug reports on our bug manager whenever needed. Don’t forget to check before if a related bug doesn’t already exist :).
ISO and USB image files must be checked for their SHA1 sum on the server before moving them to the official download section. The commands are the following:
cd public_html/ cd download/dailybuild/livecd/ sed -i 's|isocd/||' *.sha1 sha1sum -c *.sha1 […] cd ../liveusb/ sed -i 's|usbimg/||' *.sha1 sha1sum -c *.sha1 […] cd ../../download/incubator/ sed -i 's|isocd/||' *.sha1 sha1sum -c *.sha1 […]
Each file should return OK, otherwise the SHA1 file is first to be compared with the local one, then the local ISO/IMG file SHA1 is to be checked and finally the file can be uploaded again.
Once the images are on the main server and validated, the most downloaded languages must be copied onto the mirrors using an FTP client. Currently images are transfered onto mirrors in less than 2 minutes each (this is likely the same datacenter).
Torrent files can now be built from the main server, no need to download images to compute their hash series. The script is located into the torrents directory.
We are listing here the pages needing to be written or modified.
Several tasks are needed to welcome our new release on our website:
Finally on our project manager small actions are required too:
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