The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
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Here is a proposed template for preparing an article for our readers willing to promote the DoudouLinux project. You can either directly publish this article or one of its existing translations on websites of your country, or first translate it into another language that you speak fluently, and then publish it. You can also use only parts, at your convenience. Once you are done, kindly inform us so that we can maintain a list of promoters who have helped us spreading DoudouLinux all around the entire planet! Thanks a lot for your precious help ;).
NB: Please feel free to adapt the text to the audience and remove some hyper-links if you think there are too many.
DoudouLinux is a computer environment designed for children that is as simple to use as a gaming console. DoudouLinux is freely downloadable and contains about 75 applications that were selected to be easily accessible for children or dedicated to children. The selection provides educational games, art oriented applications (drawing, comics, music, animation movies), work oriented applications (dictionary, calculator, communication, computer programming) and fun games. Reading is not required for use and DoudouLinux is so simple that children can use it from 2 years old and quickly become autonomous. As a result children may think that they are only playing while they are also learning many skills.
But DoudouLinux is also easy for Dad and Mum. Shipped with a detailed user documentation, DoudouLinux embeds a full system and does not use any computer data at any moment. It does not access the Internet spontaneously and provides parental controls with a smart and efficient web content filter. It also preserves user privacy on the Internet, removes ads in web pages and blocks bugs, to get the best web experience. Thus parents can let children use the computer by themselves, learn and have fun, without worrying about damaging important data, altering the system, visiting “naughty” sites nor being too influenced by third-parties. Moreover DoudouLinux does not need installing, updating, administrating nor scanning for malware – just as a gaming console.
DoudouLinux is currently available in 44 officially supported languages [1] and is designed to be easily translated into even more languages. This way nearly each child on the earth could be able to have it in its own language when he starts reading. If you want to help having DoudouLinux in your language or for more artistic or technical tasks, you can join the team and you will be welcome! DoudouLinux is still a young community project developed by parents. The DoudouLinux team involves benevolent people as well as institutions, for instance the Tomsk State Pedagogical University in Russia.
To conclude, DoudouLinux is made with free software –-free as in freedom. This means that you can use, copy, distribute, lend or even modify DoudouLinux as you want, freely and without hidden fees, without embedding advertisement, without hidden intentions. Therefore, children can have it everywhere on any computer, and they can give it to any of their friends just as they do on the school playground. With DoudouLinux, absolutely no trouble!
So what about giving it a try, supporting or helping the project?
[1] Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Burmese, Chinese (China and Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgian, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tajik, Telugu, Turkish and Ukrainian.
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