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DoudouLinux is a community project in which any motivated person as well as organizations can contribute in order to improve it, particularly concerning translations. It is not necessary to get involved for the long-term to contribute, you can just bring what you think to be able to bring. As we have many ideas to develop DoudouLinux, nearly anyone can bring something to our project, this is not restricted to translations. Of course if you feel motivated to participate for a long time, this is possible too!
More than a hundred people already took part to our project since the beginning, likely around 150 people, with various durations of involvement depending on people availability. We cannot list every people because the list is regularly evolving and we may forget some of them… Most of our contributors are translators because we already have 43 languages opened on Transifex, which requires a lot of people to do the job. However the core team involves a dozen regular contributors who are not especially involved into translations:
The project particularly thanks people who gave or are still giving a lot of time to make the project grow:
We also want to thank two people who helped DoudouLinux look better:
Finally two organizations already took part or are still taking part to the development of the project:
Come and help us make DoudouLinux even better or provide more languages more quickly!
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