The computer they prefer!
The computer they prefer!
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All the versions of this article: [čeština] [English] [français] [русский]
You will find on this page our official leaflets and posters. If you cannot find them in your language, you can send us a translation so that we may build a version for your language. You are free to download, print and distribute leaflets and posters. Please tell us if you intend to use them for an official event.
Our official poster English-French, in PDF format, for use on a stall:
Poster with Richard Stallman asking people to join our team (uncle Sam), in PDF format:
Our official presentation leaflet, in PDF format to be printed recto-verso, in English, French, Italian, Russian and Swedish:
The Italian version is provided by ManfredoniaLUG which promotes Linux in the city of Manfredonia (Italy). If you want to translate our leaflet into your language, you will find below the text of the English leaflet.
The computer they prefer!
DoudouLinux reveals to children the creative, educative, cultural and fun potential that is lying dormant inside every computer.
It’s fun!
(*) Quite legally
DoudouLinux wants to stimulate the potential of each of our children:
Education oriented
Switch on, play; switch off, that’s all!
Easy and robust
A safe and secure environment
Try it; then come and tell us about it!
Try DoudouLinux:
Free software only
Join us!
Gather together with praiseworthy goals:
(*) no, they are not just typewriters…
Copyright © team - All texts from this site are published under the license
Creative Commons BY-SA