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Wednesday 20 February 2013
We are glad to announce the latest development release 2013-02. This release is the latest one before the next stable version of DoudouLinux, the version 2.0 Hyperborea planned for April/May and that will be a major change. As a result, this development release is very close to what this future 2.0 will be, which also means it is already very stable. Indeed most of the changes we will bring to reach the version 2.0 are concerning translations and localization. Of course you are welcome if you wish to help us improve DoudouLinux for this version 2.0 (but also for any other future version ;) ).
In the meanwhile, we invite you to give the 2013-02 a try. The main changes are the following:
If you want to know more about the two latest topics, visit our blog. You can also browse the detailed list of changes as well as the list of new applications, compared to the current stable release, Gondwana 1.2.
See online : Download now!
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