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DoudouLinux is a LiveCD produced with a standard tool of Linux Debian named Live Helper. Customized LiveCD’s based on Linux Debian can be created with this tool. The principle is relatively simple:
Therefore to build a DoudouLinux LiveCD by yourself, you just need a Linux Debian system [1] or compatible (for example Ubuntu [2]) and the set of DoudouLinux configuration files. As a matter of fact, when we speak of DoudouLinux source code, we partly speak of this set of files but not only because the DoudouLinux project also includes:
All of this is freely available on the source code repository Gna!. Its license is GPL v3, ie. you can use it freely provided you use the same license while re-distributing. Source code can be browsed online but, if you really want to use it, you will probably rather need to download it with an SVN client. This is explained on the page DoudouLinux - Subversion repositories.
Directories at the project root are the following:
: LiveCD graphics and propaganda documents (poster, leaflet)docs/
: user documentation, a short one (quick start) and a more elaborated one, both are generated from pages of this websitedummy/
: branch used to train people who are discovering SVN, nothing to grab here!lang/
: all the translation files of the project, translators should only work in this branchlive/
: LiveCD/LiveUSB building codepackages/
: non official Debian packages used in the LiveCD (packages made on purpose and patched packages)server/
: some files from our web server – but no account or password :pwebsite/
: non used, intended to be the project website on Gna!You will find the classical trunk, tags, branches sections for the LiveCD versions respectively: being developed, being a given milestone and being official releases. Directories artwork
, lang
and packages
require more details:
├── artwork │ ├── branches │ ├── tags │ └── trunk │ ├── common = images and draws used in documents │ ├── live = LiveCD graphics │ ├── propaganda = communication supports │ ├── rendered = SVG → PNG conversion results (empty on SVN) │ └── website = graphical theme of the web site │ ├── lang │ ├── branches │ ├── remote-transifex = a versionned copy of our Transifex repository │ ├── tags │ └── trunk │ ├── apps = DoudouLinux applications │ ├── docs = DoudouLinux website and PDF documentation │ └── env = DoudouLinux environment ├── packages │ ├── branches │ ├── tags │ └── trunk │ ├── apps = DoudouLinux dedicated tools │ ├── artwork = DoudouLinux graphical themes packages │ ├── debian = Debian package repository (almost empty on SVN) │ ├── misc = miscellaneous packages │ ├── patched = official but patched Debian packages │ └── sessions = packages creating children sessions
The simplest way to start contributing is to get source code and modify everything you feel necessary to reach your goal. You can then send us your modifications so that we can evaluate their relevancy and consider them for inclusion into official source code. Next, if you want to regularly participate into DoudouLinux development, you can create an account on Gna! and fill a form to get involved to the DoudouLinux project team.
[1] A real installed system or a virtual machine if you have recent-enough equipment.
[2] But we immediately prevent that no test was performed with a Linux not Debian, we are waiting for you to do this ;-) !
[3] Bug corrections
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